Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 2/3

Yesterday was day two. I successfully manged to get out of bed at the crack of dawn (7:15 really) and get my workout in. 300 calories- not much, thanks to the cold that made me feel asthmatic. Shake for breakfast-I've moved from water to light soy milk for a little more sustenance and a lot more flavor. I'm not ashamed to admit to many people that I've begun this weight loss journey. The more people who know, the more people who expect to see results.

Lunch yesterday was another delicious shake. Actually, with the soy and some water to thin it out, its like a milkshake, so I can't complain too hardily there. Snacks: 2 different 100 calorie slim fast bars. I'm leaving town tomorrow first thing so I'm hesitant to buy fresh fruit before I return. In the meantime, I've taken to the Snickers wannabes that Slim Fast sells. The second one I stuffed in my mouth on my way to the Y to meet my trainer because the food headache from hell was slowly consuming my body.

Talked to the trainer- got her on board. We're going to have weekly weigh-ins and my lazy ass is moving from only 30 minutes 2x a week with her to an hour at least 2x a week (most likely 3x). That way I don't have to do the weight work myself. Good news is, she thinks I have the muscle to help loose weight. Now if I could only get my cardio kicked up-I'm in such bad shape that seems like a long time away, but the fiance swears in a week or two, life will be good. Maybe I can start running again! Or not.

Dinner- our favorite organic locale, Pink Elephant. Chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat berry, with the chips substituted for a cup of tomato basil. Hearty and solid- yum yum.

Last nights weigh in: 187. I'll take it. At least it means I'm out of the 190s...for now.

Today started a little slowly. I didn't make it to the Y in time for my morning workout so tonight, I get to double the cardio. At least the fiance is coming with me and a recently updated iPod should keep me going through that hour of hell. I did have my shake for breakfast so still on track with the food. 6am flight out to DC tomorrow, oh joy.

The list to do today includes:
-Dillards to return some overpriced shoes (I paid $139 in Dillards, plus sales tax. Found them on the manufacturers website for $69.50 and NO sales tax because they have no store in the state I live in and free shipping because I bought them on cyber Monday!)
-Wal Mart- toys for the underprivileged and travel bags
-paying rent/bills (oh joy, first day of the month where I effectively write away almost my entire pay check)
-working out
....just joyously fun right? Right.